Cross Wabakimi off the Bucket List - Wilderness North

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Cross Wabakimi off the Bucket List

Wabakimi Provincial Park is located 2 and half hours north of Thunder Bay, Ontario. It is a less-travelled park due to it’s remote setting; you must either, train, fly or paddle into the park, there is no direct road access. Spruce and lichen-lined rivers, with smooth rock coated lakes makes for an incredible camping opportunity. There are many routes for paddlers and we would love to help narrow the decision! View the top Wabakimi experiences for paddlers!

1. Camping at Brennan Falls


Located along the Allanwater paddling route Brennan Falls is a breathtaking spot to stop for the night. Fall asleep to the roaring set on your journey through Wabakimi Provincial Park.

2. Paddling by Cliff Lake


Cliff lake is a beautiful piece of history, and it is to be explored with care. We recommend contacting Whitesand First Nation before entering the lake as it is a sacred space. Small hand prints and signs from a time past coat the walls and it is truly a beautiful site to see. Paddlers often make their way through the park to see these rare pictographs.

3. Touring the Wendell Beckwith Cabins

wendell beckwith wabakimi

Wendell Beckwith was a reclusive inventor, who lived in the heart of Wabakimi Provincial Park on the east side of Whitewater Lake. His cabins are one of the parks most popular sites to visit; however, there is no need to worry about visitor numbers, as the parks remote location leads to fewer visitor numbers then most Ontario Parks.

4. Paddling the Allan Water River

The Allanwater is an iconic Canadian canoe route, offering exceptional whitewater, well maintained portages and beautiful campsites. Typically accessed by train, this canoe route is a must for the bucket list!

5. Fishing on Whitewater Lake

Whitewater Lake is shaped as two lungs, with a series of islands in the middle. The smooth rock shore is perfect for camping, and the endless points make for exceptional fishing. Cast a spoon, jig + mister twister or trolling bait behind your canoe and catch a delicious shore lunch!

6. You know you wanna Sauna!!!


As Wabakimim Provincial Park is located just North of Thunder Bay, it has picked up some of the Tbay traditions! A large Finish population has led to an immense amount of saunas! This influence has trickled into the surrounding area, including to some of the wilderness lodges within the park! Paddlers can take advantage of a steamy sauna during their canoe trip through the park.

7. Northern Lights


Wabakimi provincial park is a great location to see Northern Lights! Escape the city lights for a different kind of light show!

8. Ogoki Rapids

The outflow of the Ogoki river into Whitewater Lake is a high volume set and with spring waters, the set often creates a massive wave. As the summer progresses more experienced paddlers can have quite the ride. Approach with caution and note that the set also has a great portage and makes for an epic picnic spot.

Note: With the purchase of any paddler package guest receive complimentary route planning and trip advice from our expert river guides! Want to plan your trip into Wabakimi? Give us a call: 1 888 465 3474, and talk with one of our river guides today!

Other helpful info:

To camp within the park you must obtain park permits. If you wish to fish in the park a fishing license must also be carried with you during your trip!

To cross Wabakimi Provincial Park off the bucket list see Wilderness North’s guided paddling options! Or let us know here:


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