Canadian Canoe Culture - Wilderness North

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Canadian Canoe Culture

At Wilderness North we believe in the healing power of the outdoors. The world is a playground and the wilderness is a way to embrace the unplanned and unexpected. Ontario Tourism captured this spirit in their film ‘The Canoe’, a touching representation of the canoe as a symbol for connectivity; to the natural world, ourselves and others.

A wilderness canoe trip has the ability to impact explorers young and old. Whether you are slowing it down on a relaxed trip, or speeding it up on a whitewater adventure, the canoe can take you to untouched places within yourself and the environment around you. What lies around the bend could be current that glides your boat easily along, or an eddy that challenges you to stay on course. These moments are transferable to the everyday, when you conquer a canoe trip you gain the resiliency to face the ups and downs in your life. If you can survive in the wild with only what a canoe can hold, you can surely navigate life at home in house filled with things.

Embrace a traditional way of travel with Wilderness North. Click here to learn more about our guided adventures into the Canadian Boreal forest.

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