Bird Blogs from the Boreal - Wilderness North

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Bird Blogs from the Boreal

WN resource staffYou may recall that Dr. Jeff Wells was at Miminiska Lodge and exploring the the boreal birds of the Albany River last year about this time. His research was chronicled in the Audubon Magazine in February.  You can read the article here.

Most recently Matt Medler, from the Cornell Orinthology Labs was up on Whitewater Lake, microphone in hand. Despite the high winds (we all know what that sounds like) he did get out to capture a few calls, and discover again the rich resource that, as Dr. Wells calls it, is the “last vast wilderness of North America.” It the last hope for birds and birders alike. Providing trips, boats, and accommodations to scientific research is one more way to put into action our words of commitment to keep the wilderness pure and unspoiled.

Since Matt’s visit two great blogs have been posted and you many find them interesting:
click Here for Blog #1
Click here for Blog #2.

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