Big Walleye Stories & Helping Soldiers - Wilderness North

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Big Walleye Stories & Helping Soldiers

Wilderness North Ontario fly in fishingAgain this year we have had numerous reports of exceptional fishing results from our many lodges and outpost cabins. But from time to time, someone says to me, “Come-on Alan you’re fudging here-right?”

Wrong! This week we called a guest from Atlanta who claimed he caught and released two walleye – 30 and 31 inches at Makokibatan Lodge.  Ray Boreham said he would send the pics. Well take a look  …’nuff said. Congrats to Ray, and in fact this week’s podcast features Ray has he describes the trophy walleye, the pike that attacked the walleye he was reeling in, plus the nice brook trout that first Nation Guide Eli Baxter helped him locate. Listen to it Now. No wonder Ray and many others come back year after year. We believe our conservation fishing policy makes the difference. Thanks for your cooperation on “Catch and Release.”

As you know, Project Healing Waters 2010, is now in the history books. Both Canadian and U.S. soldiers have sent cards and notes with thanks. We know this event makes a difference in their lives, so our commitment to keep it going is as strong today as it was on year one. We have discovered one more way to help soldiers. And you can help too. It’s called Cell Phones for Soldiers, and your donated outdated or unused cell phones, MP3 players, and I-Pods are turned into prepaid calling cards for soldiers far from home. this website gives you the details on how you can help.

Wilderness North fly in fishing Ontario

Last Call for Calendar Shots:
We are still accepting photos for inclusion in our full colour 2011 calendar that goes to press shortly. If you have a photo for us to consider, send it to us as an attachment with your e-mail. Be sure to include your contact information so we may call you about including your photo. If you wish to submit more than one photo, make sure you attach only one with each e-mail. Click here to send us your pics.

I always value hearing from you, and answering your questions, so drop me an e-mail.

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