Big Pike Go Deep at Whitewater - Wilderness North

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Big Pike Go Deep at Whitewater

Tyler LancasterThis week on Whitewater Lake sure was a windy one. Although the giant swells and hard rains hampered the abilities of anglers to get to their hot-spots, those who perservered, were rewarded.

Robert Rees from Birmingham England made the long journey in search of a large Northern Pike.  On his last day, in his last hour he tied into a brute while trolling a northern king spoon in a Rainbow Trout colour pattern. It seems an odd selection, but after being snapped off twice by large fish and losing a few other spoons to the rocks, it was the last in the box. The fish measured in at 42 inches, and was taken in 20 feet of water. It appears that the Pike have already moved deep, as anglers who have been working the shallow weedy bays are finding few to no fish, while anglers who have moved to rocky points and islands are hitting them hard.
…Tyler Lancaster

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