And We're Back - Wilderness North

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And We’re Back

After spending a couple weeks at our cabin in Newfoundland, we are back and ready to hunker down for the season. We had a great time. While the weather wasn’t the best we’ve experienced, we still found time to get out and do some snowmobiling and have a boil up.

A boil up means we head out and make a big fire and cook up over it. We put corn fish (salted cod) in tinfoil to cook, toutons, beans, hot dogs cut like octopus, and maybe had a few rum.

We also had a few good meals of some of my favourite, traditional Newfie foods. Our first night in the cabin we had fish and brewis with pork scrunchons and drawn butter. I have provided the link for it below, but when we made it we didn’t mix the bread and fish together, we kept it separate.  Sprinkle a little sugar on the “brewis” and eat away. It was fantastic! This recipe could easily be  made with fresh walleye. You will see in the recipe it gives the option for both salted fish and fresh fish. We also had Jiggs Dinner, Stuffed Squid and Cod Au Gratin. I was in heaven!

Prior to leaving, I mentioned to several people that we were heading to northern Newfoundland on vacay. The first response I got was, “are you crazy?!” We have had our share and then some of winter weather–odd choice, I guess to go somewhere for more winter. But, we hadn’t been back to our cabin in a couple of years, so I was anxious to get back.  Our cabin is similar to our outposts—maybe even a bit more rustic. It is a simple cabin with 2 bedrooms. We have to haul water, carry in wood and heat water on our woodstove. Life is simple there, but we love it!

I hope that some guests will give the recipe a try this summer–if you need any hard bread, let me know, I can get you some.

Until next time 🙂

Recipe Link:

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