About a Week or so! - Wilderness North

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About a Week or so!

Alan Cheeseman and a WN OtterA lot of the calls I’m taking these past few days all start, with: “Well, how much longer are the lodges and cabins open?” And the answer is – well, our headline.

We still have Chris Clemmons out at D’Alton Lake where he and his group of very experienced and crafty anglers are catching fish and keeping records. Also they are participating in our Live vs GULP field test. Our final fishing report next week will have his findings.

By the end of this week all of our lodges will be buttoned up for the season:

A few anglers are still out at Dawn Lake, and as you have guessed by now, frosty, foggy mornings are more the norm – anglers are lovin’ those wood burning stoves. Monday was our Harvest Moon and we are most certainly turning the corner toward winter. In about a month snow flurries and snow showers will be here to stay.

Where Have All The Fishes Gone?
Wilderness North conservation anglingWell 40% of the fish populations of North America are now at risk. So say the scientists of the USGS United States Geological Survey. In their September 9th news release, the panel of concerned experts all point to global climate change and loss of habitat as the culprit. The U.S. and Mexican lakes and streams are in the most trouble. It seems that over-harvest and disease are more prevalent in those two countries. However, here in Ontario only two of the 700 at risk species are listed – Lake Sturgeon and the long nosed Ciscoe. In short, Ontario’s Boreal Forest is the LEAST impacted. With 2008’s two-hundred plus Wilderness North Master Anglers – a new record for us – I would say I agree. Highlights of the report findings can be found here.

Winter is Just Around The Corner
Wilderness North Thunder Bay OntarioOne of the things we like about winter, is having the time to sit by the fire and read. Recently we heard about a novel called Thunder Bay, a great story about the interplay between First Nation persons, and a retired police chief from St. Paul. Author William Kent Krueger tells us more about the book in this week’s podcast. His research has been very thorough, and his book is a true page turner. Click here to hear the interview.

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