Another week has passed here at Makokibatan, with some wonderful weather and tremendous fishing. Large numbers and numerous trophies being caught means our guides Kash & Eli have been hard at work helping to put guests on top of the fish, including brook trout on the Albany. Apparently bright sunny days are the best for trout fishing on the river and, judging by guests reports of this being the best week so far this season, I would have to agree.
Among the groups in camp we had a longtime guest Ron, bring up a good buddy Howie, who enjoyed his first trip to Makokibatan and the world class fishery we have to offer. The pair explored many parts of the lake finding success with jigs and twister tails in The Cut, parts of the back lake, and Sand Point. The cut, which is best in 7 to 9 feet of water (current conditions), produced two 26 1/2 inch Master Anger walleye while the other locations produced large numbers at depths of 8 to 12 feet.
Having left with a good impression after their trip several years ago, John and Dave came back to Makok for a repeat experience catching trophy walleye and also going on 2 very successful river trips. On their first trip down river with Eli, early in the week, they managed to catch six hard fighting brook trout plus a good number of walleye without having to travel far down the river. After getting some intel from Eli on good holes on the lake they were able to catch a Master Angler walleye, around Eagles Nest and plenty of fish in the 20 to 24 inch range. Dave’s measured in at an impressive 28 inches and was caught on a Rapala while John’s was a 29 inch beauty of a fish, weighing at least ten pounds which he caught with a crankbait. On their second last day they had Eli bring them back down river, further this time, past Panty Island. Going the distance surely paid off as the duo caught a record setting total of 15 Brook Trout throughout the day on Little Cleos and Five of Diamonds spoons.
One of our larger groups enjoyed the fair weather and the opportunity to share shore lunch everyday before splitting into their boat pairs and heading to different spots across the lake. The groups worked Sand Point and the various points and shoals close to Shore Lunch Island. Whether 8 to 12 feet or 20-30 feet, using jigs tipped with minnows seemed to be the best presentation and allowed the majority of the group to catch at least one Master Angler walleye. Rob and John caught three each, Dan and Doug caught two a piece, while Tom, Randy, and Ron each caught one Master Angler walleye (26in +). Gunning for a Master Angler pike, Dave fell just short of the 40 inch mark with his biggest being a 38, but had a blast catching tons of pike in the 30-35in range. A few pairs also went with Kash and Eli down river to catch some brook trout with John landing our second Master Angler brook trout of the season, a gorgeous 22 incher.
It’s been just over a month since we opened Makok for the season, and what a month it’s been. As I look over at our Master Angler board, the numbers that have been put up are staggering; 77 trophy walleye caught and released, an average of over 2 trophies per day. All I can say is WOW! I expected amazing fishing but this has blown my expectations out of the water! I don’t think there’s a lake in the world that can lay claim to this kind of fishing. If you want to catch a trophy walleye look no further, Makokibatan is clearly the place to be.
Rob Staszak